Horace Silver - 1966

The title track of Horace Silver’s “The Jody Grind” was released in 1967. Silver was clearly trying to broaden his appeal. The songs are a bit “tamer” and the album cover is decidedly mainstream but Silver always had some tricks up his sleeve.

The Jody Grind
The Jody Grind
The Jody Grind

‘The Jody Grind’ is clearly a Bb minor 12 bar blues but with some twists:

Example 1 shows the traditional minor scales for reference.

The opening riff uses the natural minor scale with it’s flat 7th (‘a’ flat). The A chord in bar 7 implies a harmonic minor but both it and the B chord in bar 8 are just nice dominant substitutions (Link).

The melody (bar 11) begins on a ‘g’ suggesting a melodic minor but the base continues with the ‘a’ flat. The raised 6th degree (‘g’ natural) can’t really be called a blue note.

Example 1

As usual, Silver is able to tweak ordinary Destinational Tonality so that it’s interesting without ever sounding contrived. Also as usual, they are lots of fun to play!